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The lakes: Rotund, Gorgova, Potcoava, Gorgovat

The lakes Rotund, Gorgova, Potcoava and Gorgovat are included in most of the itineraries chosen by our team (e.g. 3-4-5 hours excursions). 


The access to these lakes is from the Litcov channel and they are about 45 minutes (by water) from Mahmudia.


The scenery will be particularly beautiful, specific to the Danube


Delta, and on these lakes we can frequently see colonies of pelicans, cormorants, swans, and other species of birds that inhabit the Delta. 

These lakes also offer the possibility of sport fishing, for example for pike and perch. 


Litcov Channel

The Litcov Channel is also included in most of our proposed itineraries, providing access to many lakes. 


The Litcov or "King Charles II Channel" is an artificial channel with a length of 45 km, the longest channel of the Danube Delta. 


It connects the Saint George branch with Caraorman channel and Sulina branch.


Not being a very wide channel, the Litcov channel is a good refuge from the strong rays of the sun during the burning hours. 


The willows that outline Litcov give the image of a lush, beautiful green corridor.


The lakes: Uzlina, Isac, Isacel, Dunaleatca

The access to these lakes can be done either from the Litcov channel or from Saint George branch.


Lake Uzlina is of shallower depth and Lake Isac is a deeper lake (approx. 2 meters).

All these lakes are connected by narrow canals that form a real natural labyrinth.

Here you can see colonies of pelicans, swans, cormorants and other birds that inhabit the Delta.

These lakes are also known for the possibility of sport fishing for pike and bass.